N1MM with IC 7100

I have tried it via CI-V on both my 7100 and 7800 and it leaves a lot to be desired. Since this thread is about N1MM it is important to note that the Icom command set (CW via CAT control) is not supported by that software. A COM, LPT, or WinKey is required to send CW. Winkey or Winkey emulator is by far the best way in my opinion and is easily configured in N1MM.

I recently purchased an IC 7100 and want to use it with my N1MM logging program.  There is no provision in the N1MM logging program to accommodate the IC 7100.  Is anybody using the IC 7100 with N1MM?
Comments / guidance will be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. recently I looked at it and while I have th e7851 working with it, I do not have it working (CW wise) with the 7100.

    Maybe the firmware of the 7100 here is not useable for it. (E5)

    Any news?


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